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Oak Class March News 2022

Posted 25th April 2022

In Maths we have looked at statistics which has involved looking at different data e.g. bar graphs and line graphs. They also explored angles, coordinates and reading Roman numerals. In English the children looked at the book ‘Stone Girl, Bone Girl’ where they wrote a biography on Mary Anning. They then used the skills learnt to carry out research on David Walliams and write a biography on him. The children looked at two paintings ‘The Lion... read more

Oak Class February News 2022

Posted 14th March 2022

In Maths we have looked at decimals and percentages. They also explored measures (length, capacity and mass) including converting measures. Year 6 looked at ratio and proportion. In English the children looked at the book ‘LIFT’ where they wrote diary entries to explore how Iris felt through different places she discovered through the elevator. They also wrote a letter to NASA explaining why they should be chosen to go to space to help with the International... read more

Pine Class February News 2022

Posted 14th March 2022

What an exciting and busy month we have had! We really enjoyed dressing up for World Book Day and we took part in the online live event "Fairy Tales and Animal Stories” with Axel Scheffler.In English we have been looking at information books and learning about the importance of contents pages, glossary pages and index pages. We are writing reports about animals found in the polar regions. We have used the internet and non-fiction books... read more

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Jane Doe

