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Breadcrumb Trail


Ash Class October News

Posted 3rd November 2020

Ash class have really been enjoying their trips to our forest school. Recently, they have been exploring textures and doing their own bark rubbings. They also love playing hide and seek in the forest with their friends. The children always like listening to a story at the end of their sessions.  Ash Class have been making bird cakes. The children mixed fat together with bird seeds. They developed their fine motor skills by pushing th mixture... read more

Oak Class October News

Posted 3rd November 2020

Oak class have had a busy month with lots of different learning activities. We had an exciting visit from the Hertford and Ware Sports Partnership where we learned archery skills. In Maths we have looked at multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. They then applied this to converting units of measurements. In English the children looked at the story ‘The King who Banned the Dark’ where they were able to write amazing speeches: one for... read more

Pine Class October News

Posted 2nd November 2020

This month, Pine class have continued learning about dinosaurs. We have looked at fossils and discovered how they are formed. We have also followed instructions to make moving dinosaurs. In our history lessons we have learnt about a great fossil hunter called Mary Anning. In art lessons we have used outside materials to make autumn pictures. In our RE lessons the children have learnt about the Jewish harvest festival and made Sukkots. We loved taking... read more

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Jane Doe

