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Odd Socks for Anti-Bullying Week

Posted 16th November 2020

Everyone wore odd socks to school today to mark the beginning of Anti-Bullying Week. Our odd socks remind us to celebrate our differences. We will be having special assemblies to help raise awareness of what bullying is and what to do if we see anyone being bullied or experience bullying ourselves. This year's message is 'unite against bullying' and we will be making posters for our central display about how we can play our part... read more

School Council Children in Need Fundraiser

Posted 13th November 2020

Well done to our school council and Tonwell families for raising over £40 for Children in Need. Our pupils enjoyed taking part in our non-uniform day to raise money and live out our school values of 'contributing to our school and wider community'.  read more

BMX Brilliance! Whole School November News

Posted 13th November 2020

Our whole school was treated to a morning of BMX brilliance and growth mindset. We welcomed BMX world champion, Mike Mullen, back to school. As well as wowing us with his amazing skills, he spoke to the children about resiliance and shared how he had made many mistakes and had many failures before being successful. We loved his word 'FLEARN' which means learning from failure.  Junior children also had the opportunity to try our BMX for themselves... read more

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Jane Doe

