Tonwell St Mary's Logo | Welcome

Breadcrumb Trail


Welcome Back!

Posted 8th March 2021

We are incredibly excited and happy to be welcoming back all of our children today.  The classes who have been attending on site have really missed their friends. Oak class children asked if they could decroate their classroom and make posters for the front gates to officially welcome everyone back. We thought this was a great idea and a super example of them living out our school values - 'contributing to our school community' and showing... read more

Pine Class February News

Posted 1st March 2021

Another fantastic month with loads of amazing learning!!! Pine Class continue to impress us with their great efforts and contributions to their learning both online and in school. In Literacy, we have been looking at stories with different themes and writing descriptions using a range of adjectives. Children particularly enjoyed writing their own potions and inventing their own wizard or witch character. In Maths, we have been working on multiplication and division strategies and most recently we... read more

Oak Class February News

Posted 1st March 2021

Another month of hard work with remote learning from all children whether they have been in school or at home completing remote learning. In English the children have continued to enjoy their creative writing with a different focus text each day. They have been very imaginative creating some exciting short stories. In Maths the children have been looking at data handling focusing on pictograms, bar charts and time graphs. They have read, interpret, compared and constructed these... read more

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Jane Doe

