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Feeling Good Week 2021

Posted 19th May 2021

The whole school have taken part in our Feeling Good Week to promote children's personal development and our school vision and values of 'choosing a lifestyle with healthy bodies and minds'. The school council made healthy snacks every day such as watermelon, peppers and more. We invited Forest School experts into school to deliver outdoor activities. We loved the blindfold trail, hammock, mud kitchen and campfire! read more

Whole School April News

Posted 30th April 2021

Our children run the Daily Mile as part of their curriculum every day. Today, we joined 1000s of other schools for 'England does the daily mile'. Children visited the local playing fields and all ran at least 4 laps! They used their experience of cross country to remember to set a steady pace. read more

Pine Class March News

Posted 22nd March 2021

It is wonderful to have all the children back in school and working hard.In Literacy, we have been looking at instructions and writing recipes. Children particularly enjoyed writing their own instructions for looking after a ghost!In Maths, we have been working on addition and subtraction strategies. Children in Y2 and Y3 have been learning to regroup numbers when using the formal written methods.In our afternoons, we have been learning about Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. We have... read more

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Jane Doe

