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Oak Class June/July News

Posted 12th July 2021

In English the children have looked at features used in poetry. They discussed characters in Overheard on a Saltmarsh, inferring from the text and building further relevant vocabulary. They read and discussed A small dragon by Brian Patten which they then produced a story map of events in the poem. The children used A small dragon as a writing frame for organising phrases to be used in their own poems with a similar theme. In Science... read more

Pine Class June/July News

Posted 12th July 2021

This month, we have been learning about rainforests and finding out about the different layers. We then researched the different animals and plants that live in rainforests and wrote non-chronological reports about a chosen rainforest animal. In Maths we have been working on place value and using our knowledge of place value to add and subtract numbers. We have continued to learn our times tables and the related division facts. We are now working with money... read more

Shakespeare Workshop

Posted 2nd July 2021

We were delighted to welcome Flora, a Shakespeare drama expert, into school to run workshops with some of our children. They explored the story of Macbeth and looked at some famous scenes from other plays. Children loved acting out parts of the story and analysing Shakespearian language. It was so good that we have invited Flora back to run similar workshops with some of our other pupils.  read more

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