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Cross Country joint Tonwell/Thundridge Team

Posted 27th October 2021

We are delighted to share the successes that our joint Tonwell and Thundridge teams had at the recent Cross Country event at Haileybury. This is the first time the two schools have come together to enter a mixed team in a sports event. It was brilliant to see the support the children gave each other as they met up, during the run and at the end of the race. There were some great achievements with the boy's... read more

Ash Class News

Posted 27th September 2021

This month Ash class have been settling into their routine at school! We have done lots of activities to get to know each other, such as drawing a picture of our families, making our own ‘mini me’ out of collage materials and talking about our favourite colour, animal and thing to do. The children have been working very hard on holding their pencil ‘like a snappy crocodile’ and we have been so impressed with their... read more

Pine Class Sept News

Posted 27th September 2021

What a great start we have made to the school year!In English we have enjoyed writing our own stories based on the book ‘Funnybones’. We have also looked at information books and understand the importance of contents pages, glossary pages and index pages. We used the internet and non-fiction books to help us research and find fascinating facts about the human body.In Maths we have been working on place value. In Y1 with have been... read more

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Jane Doe

