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Oak October News

Posted 8th November 2021

In Maths we have looked at multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 100 and explored factors and multiples. In English the children looked at the story ‘Leon and the Place Between’ where they wrote a poem using effective vocabulary to create a magical mood. The children looked at using conjunctions and prepositions to add detail to their writing. They then planned and wrote a clearly sequenced and detailed narrative based on the book. In Science our... read more

Pine October News

Posted 8th November 2021

This month, Pine class have enjoyed writing poems and using adjectives to make our poems descriptive. We are starting to study books by Julia Donaldson and identifying words that rhyme in her books. In Maths we have been working on time and reading clocks. We can correctly order the days of the week and months of the year. In forest school we have been making shelters and learning to tie half hitch knots. In history... read more

Ash October News

Posted 8th November 2021

This month Ash class have continued to learn about Harvest. After writing our very own shopping list, we created our own recipe for a healthy desert linked to our key text ‘Handa’s Surprise’. The children very much enjoyed making and eating their desert the following week! In maths we have been looking at different measures, such as length, height, weight and more. The children have been using lots of mathematical language to compare different objects... read more

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Jane Doe

