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Oak Class December News

Posted 10th January 2022

In Maths we have looked properties of 2D shapes including classifying quadrilaterals and triangles based on their properties. In English the children looked at the book ‘The Snow Dragon’ where they planned and wrote a clearly sequenced and detailed narrative their own version of the story based on the book. In History our unit was ‘The Victorians’ and they looked at Victorian clothing and found out about typical crimes and punishments in the Victorian period. The children worked... read more

Oak Class Nov News

Posted 17th December 2021

In Maths we have looked at the formal written method for multiplication and fractions. In English the children looked at the book ‘Until I met Dudley’ where they planned and wrote an explanation text on their own invention using fronted adverbials to order the steps logically. We also read the story ‘Sulwe’ where they wrote a letter to an Agony Aunt asking for advice on being excluded. The children looked at using different sentence lengths. They... read more

Pine Class Nov News 2021

Posted 17th December 2021

This month, Pine class have enjoyed writing stories using ideas from books we are reading in class. We have looked at a range of books by Anthony Browne. In Maths we have been working on addition and subtraction strategies. We can correctly record our number sentences using the +, - and = symbols. In history lessons we have started to learn about Victorian homes. We know that many of their homes had an outside toilet!... read more

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